Instructions for using 3M™ ESPE™ Adper™ Single Bond 2 Dental Adhesive

3M™ ESPE™ Adper™ Single Bond 2 Adhesive
3M™ ESPE™ Adper™ Single Bond 2 Dental Adhesive
General information
Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive
Adper SingleBond™ 2 adhesive is a simple, moist adhesive that contains 10% 5nm filler particles. Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive has a variety of applications, including bonding in direct composite restorations as well as ceramic and composite restorations, metal restoration repairs, amalgam, root surface desensitization and bonding. Porcelain veneers with Rely X Veneer and RelyX™ Ceramic Primer. After polymerization of Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive, the adhesive can also be used for amalgam and indirect bonding processes when combined with RelyX™ ARC Bonding Resin Cement.
Compatibility with indirect bonding processes is due to the thin film thickness (approximately 10μm) of Adper after polymerization. Adper glue is produced in reusable bottles
3M™ ESPE™ Adper™ Single Bond 2 Dental Adhesive
3M™ ESPE™ Adper™ Single Bond 2 Dental Adhesive
Erosion is a very important step for both enamel and dentin surfaces.
All direct, photocured restoration paste processes
Bonding procedure for indirect restorations when combined with RelyX ARC resin cement.
Reduces tooth root surface sensitivity.
Porcelain and composite repair.
Veneers combined with Rely X Veneer cement.
Preventive information for patients and dental staff
Scotchbond™ Universal Erosion Gel contains 32% phosphoric acid by weight. Contact with eyes or skin may cause burns. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. In case of contact, rinse with plenty of water and see a doctor.
Preventive information for patients
This product contains substances that may cause allergic reactions from skin contact in some individuals. Avoid use of this product in patients with acrylate allergy. If prolonged contact with oral mucosa, rinse with plenty of water. If an allergic reaction occurs, seek medical attention as needed, discard the product if necessary, and discontinue future use of the product.
Precautionary information for dental staff
This product contains substances that may cause allergic reactions by skin contact in some individuals. To reduce the risk of allergic reactions, minimize exposure to these materials. In particular, avoid contact with products that are not covered. If skin contact occurs, wash skin with soap and water. Use of protective gloves and no-touch technique is recommended. Acrylates can penetrate regular gloves. If product comes into contact with gloves, remove and discard gloves, wash hands immediately with soap and water and then put on new gloves. If an allergic reaction occurs, seek medical attention if needed.
Harmful information
This is a flammable material.
Recommended use
Use 3M Vitrebond glass ionomer as a primer/light-curing base filling in deep sinus areas such as restoring sinuses I and II. If an exposed pulp area is present, use the minimum amount of calcium hydroxide followed by a Vitrebond primer/base. Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive will bond to the Vitrebond primer/substrate with or without acid treatment.
erode. Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive includes enamel and dentin erosion as part of the process. Surfaces are left damp after washing. Remove excess water from the surface with absorbent cotton. Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive is cured using a curing lamp. Lamp exposure times are guided when using 3M ESPE curing lamps or other lamps of equivalent intensity. Lamps should be tested for light intensity regularly using a reliable measurement system.
The air used for drying should not be contaminated with oil or water.
Some patients may experience temporary sensitivity after filling. The risk of sensitization can be minimized by the following measures:
Prepare teeth
Minimal tooth tissue removal.
Proper tooth isolation. Encourage the use of rubber dams. Use appropriate pulp protection. Use glass ionomer or resin-reinforced glass ionomer for priming/modified base fillings (Vitrebond liner/base fillings) in deep sinus areas.
It is not recommended to use steam to remove excess water after the etching step – absorb excess water with cotton balls or a small sponge.
Apply glue immediately after drying.
Place the filling material in layers, illuminating each layer separately. Appropriate lighting depends on the color of the filling material, the thickness of the material layer, and the duration of lighting.
Adjust your bite carefully. Check for excessive contact, especially lateral movement.
Corroded acid tube
Wear eye protection for patients and staff when using the dispenser.
Prepare the dispenser: Remove the cap from the corrosive acid tube and leave it on. Screw the blue disposable tip into the tube. Holding the acid tube away from the patient and surrounding staff, inject a small amount of etching gel onto paper or 2×2 gauze to ensure that the delivery tip is not clogged. If clogged, remove the dispenser tip and inject a small amount of erosive gel directly from the syringe. Discard any visible gel clumps, if any, at the top of the tube. Re-screw the tip and inject the etching gel again. If still clogged, remove the tip and replace it with a tip. Bend the tip to the desired angle. Bend the middle of the tip. Do not bend at the base of the tip as this may cause the tip to break.
Care of dispenser: Dispose of used and damaged tips. Twist on storage cap. Storing the gel tube with the tip in use or without the storage cap will dry out the gel and easily clog the dispenser tip. Replace the storage cap with a new tip for the next use.
If desired, pump the etching gel onto a piece of mixing paper and apply to the tooth with a toothbrush or other suitable tool.
If you want the etching gel to be more fluid, pump the gel into a mixing well and stir several times to increase flow.
Decontamination: Dispose of used tip. Cap the gel tube. See Storage and Use, Decontamination Instructions
User manual
Distribute Adper Single bond 2 glue
Press one edge of the cap to release the lock and pop the cap open, exposing the dispenser head
Squeeze the glue bottle to dispense the exact amount of glue you need into the disposable mixing well.
Once completed, close the lid until it is securely locked.
How to use
Guidelines for direct photocured restoration of enamel and dentin
Isolation: Rubber dams are the isolation method of choice.
Cavity preparation: Prepare the filling cavity with minimal invasiveness. Beveling the enamel edge of the filling cavity.
Erosion: applies enamel and dentin erosion. Wait 15 seconds. Rinse for 10 seconds. Soak up excess water with cotton balls or a small sponge. The surface will be slightly iridescent with no condensation.
Adhesive: Immediately after absorbing excess water, apply 2-3 successive coats of adhesive to the eroded enamel and dentin in 15 seconds with gentle movements using an applicator brush fully saturated with adhesive. Spray lightly for 5 seconds to evaporate the solvent. Shine the light for 10 seconds.
Place restoration material, cure, and complete: Refer to manufacturer’s instructions when placing restoration, cure, and complete restoration.
Instructions for porcelain veneers
Silane treatment: The porcelain surface should be etched with hydrofluoric acid in a dental laboratory. Apply RelyX Ceramic Primer to the veneer surface. Blow dry for 5 seconds.
Clean teeth that have been prepared for bonding and bonding using fluoride-free pumice powder. Rinse and blow dry.
Test veneers with RelyX™ Try-In Paste. After testing, isolate from adjacent teeth with the matrix.
Erosion: erosion of both enamel and dentin. Wait 15 seconds. Rinse for 10 seconds. Soak up excess water with a cotton ball or small sponge. The surface will be slightly iridescent without condensation. An additional 15 seconds of erosion may be applied when the tooth is not prepared with a bur. Remaining organic matter may also require additional etching time.
3M Adper single bond 2
3M Adper single bond 2 is distributed by Trung Hải Science


Adhesive: Immediately after absorbing excess water, apply 2-3 successive coats of adhesive to the eroded enamel and dentin in 15 seconds with gentle movements using an applicator brush fully saturated with adhesive. Spray lightly for 5 seconds to evaporate the solvent. No lighting.
Glue for veneer: apply a layer of glue to the veneer that has been treated with etching acid and silane. Dry thoroughly. No lights.
Bonding material for veneer: apply RelyX veneer cement on the veneer surface.
Attach veneer and light: attach veneer carefully. Remove excess cement from the veneer margin. Light each area of ​​the veneer according to the time recommended by the cement manufacturer. We recommend irradiating the gingival margin first, followed by the body and incisal margin. Avoid direct contact with the phototherapy lamp in the early stages.
Gluing instructions for composite and amalgam
Isolation: Rubber dams are the isolation method of choice.
Roughen the surface of existing materials: Roughen the surface of composite or amalgam using metal drills, diamonds or sandblasting techniques.
Erosion: Erosion to both enamel, dentin and existing restorations. Wait 15 seconds. Rinse for 10 seconds. Soak up excess water with cotton balls or a small sponge. The surface will be slightly iridescent without condensation.
Adhesive: Immediately after absorbing excess water, apply 2-3 coats of adhesive to enamel, dentin and existing restoration for 15 seconds with gentle movements using an applicator brush fully saturated with adhesive. Blow gently for 5 seconds to evaporate the solvent. Shine the light for 10 seconds.
Covering: In the case of amalgam, treat the metal surface with a suitable covering material. Apply the light according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Placing the restoration: Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions when placing materials, lighting, and completing the restoration.
Instructions for repairing porcelain
Isolation: Rubber soles are the isolation method of choice
Preparation: Clean the surface in preparation for repair with a fluorinated pumice powder mixture. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Roughen the surface of existing metal or ceramic with a metal drill, diamond, or sandblasting. Carefully remove the thin layer of porcelain and shape the porcelain rim. Remove 1mm of the upper surface ceramic layer.
Etching: applying etching gel to the surface. Wait 15 seconds. Rinse for 10 seconds. Blow dry for 5 seconds.
Silane treatment of ceramic and metal: apply RelyX Ceramic Primer to the etched surface and blow dry.
Adhesive: apply 2 coats of Adper Single Bond 2 on ceramic or silane-treated metal. Blow dry gently for 5 seconds. Shine the light for 10 seconds.
Masking: To cover the metal before placing the final composite layer, cover the metal surface with a suitable masking agent. Apply the light according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Place restoration, cure, and finish: Refer to manufacturer’s instructions when placing, curing, and completing restoration
Instructions for reducing tooth root surface sensitivity
Gently clean the tooth root surface with fluorinated pumice powder. Wash and dry.
Erosion: apply etching gel to the dentin. Wait 15 seconds. Rinse for 10 seconds. Pour off excess water with a cotton ball or small sponge. The surface will be slightly iridescent without condensation. 3. Glue: Immediately after absorbing water, apply 2-3 layers of glue to the eroded enamel and dentin for 15 seconds with a gentle sweeping motion. Blow gently for 5 seconds to evaporate the solvent. Shine the light for 10 seconds. Apply 2 more layers of glue. Blow dry gently for 5 seconds. Shine the light for 10 seconds.
Remove the oxygen-inhibited layer with a damp gauze.

Instructions on Amalgam bonding and indirect restoration (using RelyX ARC resin cement) Physical properties of restoration.

Today’s esthetics require restorations to be placed in the right place to maximize the durability of the restoration as well as the tooth tissue. There is a general perception that photocured adhesives cannot be used for indirect restorations. It is true that many conventional photocured adhesives have higher film thicknesses and cannot be used under fixed restorations. However, the Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive base is ethanol/water, has a low film thickness (about 10μm) and does not affect the attachment of indirect restorations. Note: Always be careful with any adhesive used under precision cast restorations as the added film thickness may cause less precise application of the restoration. Avoid getting adhesive on prepared teeth as this may affect the fit of any restoration.
Storage and Use
This product is intended for use at room temperature. If stored in a colder location, let product come to room temperature before use. The shelf life of glue at room temperature is 36 months. Ambient temperatures typically higher than 27°C/80°F may reduce shelf life. See the expiration date on the outside of the package.
Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive should be capped immediately after use to minimize evaporation.
Do not expose material to high temperatures or intense light.
Do not store product near products containing eugenol.
For cleaning, etching gel can be removed with water, while uncured adhesive can be cleaned with alcohol.
TRUNG HAI Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. (Official distributor of 3M)
Address: No. 45-47, Street 2, Cityland Residential Area, Ward 10, Go Vap District
Phone: 028.224.2724
Hotline: 091 9721197 (Ms. Van Anh)

